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Today's Threads

Casual looks can be done with flair if the materials used in the ensemble are unique bold or are a stark contrast from the other pieces. The center of this outfit is the Black felt blazer with dark blue rose pattern running throughout it.

Not wearing a belt in a casual outfit can add the illusion that your clothes are custom tailored but only if they fit well.

Bright colors like the red in the watch or the Yellow in the socks draw attention to the rest of the look.

The shoes are a classic Wing Tip Brogue which classes up the casual just in case you are in a business environment.

The Pants are Dockers fitted Khakis and they are hands down the best slim casual pant consistently. Usually found for $20 at Burlington.

The Jacket is a felt type feel fabric that is deep black with Dark Blue roses patterned throughout. I bought it from Forman Mills for $20 regular price.

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